With the new brand new release of Omnik data logger I have included support for the Dutch Smart Meter Requirements compliant Electricity meter. With a simple FTDI P1 to USB serial adapter Omnik datalogger now also publish your smart meter data including gas. With PVoutput this means we can also upload the consumed energy and calculate the netto energy used/delivered.

The P1 adapter can be either connected directly to your device or using TCP. I used ser2net to be able to connect multiple sessions to my P1 meter. To make this possible you will need at least ser2net v3.5. I have used a docker container installing ser2net (jsurf/rpi-ser2net:buster). Adding the max-connections option will enable me to do some debugging and in the mean will logging my data.
3333:raw:600:/dev/ttyUSB0:115200 NONE 1STOPBIT 8DATABITS -XONXOFF RTSCTS max-connections=3
If you publish your smart meter to Home Assistant this can replace the native dsmr integration include with Home Assistant. Over MQTT auto discovery Home Assistant will discover automatically. In the config file you can rename the entities for your smart meter. Addition direct use, direct consumption and the real calculated consumption data will be published over MQTT and InfluxDB.
HACS Default
Omnik data logger now has been added to the default store. This means there is no need to add a custom repository any more. You can find Omnik data logger at the Automation section.
Make sure you have installed the AppDaemon Add-on from the official Home Assistant Add-on store.

TCPclient tested and working now
Thanks to Han Lubach the tcpclient could be tested and corrected. It seems this client, based on Wouter van der Zwan’s logger is now usable with Omnik data logger as well.