MQTT TLS support – new Solarman API

The last release of Omnikdatalogger will have MQTT TLS support and implements the new Solarman API.

MQTT TLS support

The MQTT output client and mqtt_proxy plugin for the localproxy client now can use TLS. The use of client certificates and the use of an alternative ca is supported now.

Example of the new settings:

    tls: true
    ca_certs: ./.omnik/ca/
    client_cert: ./.omnik/client.crt
    client_key: ./.omnik/client.key

All new settings are optional.

TLS support was also added to Omnikdatalogger proxy.

new Solarman API

The last solarmanpv client does not work any more, because it was based on an old API that has been taken down. A brand new implementation of the solarmanpv client is now available. The client needs credentials to work. Visit to register. You can request customer support to migrate your previous collected data. The new portal and API has assigned a different plant_id, assigning a serial number is no longer needed.

The new API it self performs well and is secured, but data collection and processing is still buggy and slow. Hopefully this will improve shortly.

Big advantage is that you will regain access to your historical data.

`solarmanpv` client discontinued – new API

Omnikdataloggers solarmanpv client does not longer seem to work. Users have received mails indication the service is to be discontinued. The portal functionality has been moved to I was successful in enabling the new UI by requesting a new password where I used the same email address I used before. While writing this my data still needs to be migrated. You can contact for assistance with the data migration. You can add your inverter by supplying the serial number of your WiFi logger. That should not be necessary if your data is migrated correctly. Solarman also introduced a new API. I will update the omnikdatalogger solarmanpv plugin to support the new solarman API, but that will take some time. You will need to create an account to be able to use the portal. There is a link on the login page for ‘old’ Solarman users.

Link to notice old SOLARMAN users

My aim is to regain access to your real time data with the solarmanpv client using the new API.

See you soon.

New gas monitoring feature

The latest version of Omnik Data Logger now supports the monitoring of gas consumption (using MQTT). Update your Home Assistant 2021.9.x before you update Omnik Data Logger, for else MQTT will not work with Home Assistant.

The new Home Assistant Energy dashboard with gas monitoring

The unit of measurement for gas consumption has changed from m3 to m³ to be compliant with Home Assistant. Gas consumption per hour was m3/h and is now m³/h.

More energy coming soon: Gas!

With the latest beta release of Home Assistant 2021.9 the monitoring of gas consumption will come available. The current version of Omnikdatalogger (1.6.x) does nog support this feature yet, but you can test it already with the latest beta version.

Be aware that this beta changes the unit off measurement of the gas entity. This impacts logging influx DB causing new data te be stored in a new measurement.


Enjoy your Omnik solar production at the Home Assistants new Enery dashboard with the latest version of Omnik Data Logger. An update was needed to make the MQTT energy sensors compliant with the new Energy feature. The Energy feature was released with the latest version of Home Assistant.

As you can see I just started monioring my self. For Solar Production you can use the Energy today or the Energy total entity. The Energy today sensor is more accurate for this aim. If you have integrated DSMR (Dutch Smart Meter R.) as well you can also use these entities to add Grid consumption and Return to grid.

DSMR sources

If you want to add the consumtion of specific devices and you have entities for those devices, you could add those entities as well.


New Docker builds for Omnik Data Logger

New Docker builds are available for Omnik Datalogger. Docker containers are ideal when you are not using Home Assistant or the Home Assistant community store (HACS). Docker builds can be easily deployed on multi platforms. Currently the following architectures are supported:

  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm64
  • linux/arm/v7
  • linux/arm/v6

If you need a different architecture, please let me know. Docker and pip builds and are now automatically generated by Github actions when a new release is published.

See for more information. If you previous used Docker containers for this project, then make sure your configuration is correct. The default location for config files in the containers has been change to the /config folder.

Omnik api offline

If you were a happy user of omnik portal, you may have been noticed about Omnik bankruptcy throught the communications by Solarman. Solarman managed the infrastructure for Omnik all the time. Your omnik inverter is still logging its data the same way it did for years. The complete portal is still accessable from Here you can still use the credentials you used at

Omnikdatalogger ‘omnikportal’ client removed from software.

Since the Omnikportal API is down too, you will need an alternative. Omnikdatalogger also has a solarmanpv client that can get your inverters logged data. See more about the configuration at the Omnikdatalogger WIKI pages or the Dutch WIKI pages on this site. Solarman has indicated they will continue to offer this as a free (trial) service till the end of 2021. With omnikdatalogger you also can get your inverters data using the tcpclient or localproxy client module.