Outage omnik portal

The last few days, the omnik portal and app and API have been unavailabe. So the data loggging is not possible at the moment. I have found out Omnik dataloggers log to the database of SolarmanPV. It seems you can still see your live output and history.

The URL is https://www.solarmanpv.com/portal/LoginPage.aspx and you can use your omnik portal credentials. I am working to get the API working so the software can be updated. Unfortunally there is only a working unsecure API interface. There is a secure alternative, but an API-key is needed for that. I am working on this.

Have some patience, I will come with a working update coming days.



Thirst (pre) release for the omnik data logger

The first pre-release of the new Omnik data logger is now available. I would like to know if this works for you! If you have any comments or issues, let me know!

Release details

Version: 0.9-alpha (pre-release)

This pre-release brings a solution to integrate the actual state of your Omnik power inverter in to your favorite home automation system. The script reads out omnikportal.com using your credentials and enables you process the real time data of your solar plant.
The realetime output can be forwared to pvoutput.com or send over MQTT to your favorite Home Automation porject. The MQTT implementation supports the Home Assistant Automatic MQTT discovery.

You can run the script from the command line, use systemd or make use of AppDaemon so you can integrate directly with Home Assistent.

Have fun! Let me know your experience if you have any issues.

You can download the release here.



Some time ago I found this https://github.com/paprins/omnik-data-logger/ at github. A python based project to read out the statistics from https://www.omnikportal.com/. I own an inverter of Omnik (Omniksol-3.0-TL) and was installed october 2012. Pascal Prins, the author implemented a plugin based logger with a working example for pvoutput.org.

Issue fixed

Pascals code had some issues, and I decided to report them. In de mean wile I went on with a clone copy of the project, fixed some issues and optimized the code.

AppDaemon and Home Assistant integration with MQTT

I wrote an additional plugin (mqtt) to enable an easy integration with Home Assistant or any other MQTT based home automation solution.

The AppDaemon integration further enables updating the config without the need to restart.

New version at github

After integration with AppDaemon I ended up with an alternative that can be configured with AppDaemon through apps.yaml. The logging was adapted so it supports the AppDaemon logging system. When using the command line native logging is used.

I submitted the new code to github and did a pull request.

See: https://github.com/jbouwh/omnikdatalogger

Using MQTT Auto discovery logging now can be easily integrated with Home Assistant.