More energy coming soon: Gas!

With the latest beta release of Home Assistant 2021.9 the monitoring of gas consumption will come available. The current version of Omnikdatalogger (1.6.x) does nog support this feature yet, but you can test it already with the latest beta version.

Be aware that this beta changes the unit off measurement of the gas entity. This impacts logging influx DB causing new data te be stored in a new measurement.


Enjoy your Omnik solar production at the Home Assistants new Enery dashboard with the latest version of Omnik Data Logger. An update was needed to make the MQTT energy sensors compliant with the new Energy feature. The Energy feature was released with the latest version of Home Assistant.

As you can see I just started monioring my self. For Solar Production you can use the Energy today or the Energy total entity. The Energy today sensor is more accurate for this aim. If you have integrated DSMR (Dutch Smart Meter R.) as well you can also use these entities to add Grid consumption and Return to grid.

DSMR sources

If you want to add the consumtion of specific devices and you have entities for those devices, you could add those entities as well.
